Bartolo Planells - Siempre con nosotros, tu legado continúa...  

La Vuelta a Ibiza MTB SCOTT by Shimano seeks to raise awareness among young people  

Once again, with Podarcis and Herbusa, the organization goes to several schools on the island to educate in respect and care of the environment


Ibiza, 14 March 2023. For years, La Vuelta a Ibiza MTB SCOTT by Shimano defends sports in the natural environment under the premise of always respecting the environment, doing the least possible damage to it. To do this, La Vuelta, together with Podarcis and Herbusa, visit several schools these days so that the young ones are aware of the impact of sport on nature.

Daniel Ramón, biologist and CEO of Podarcis, is one of the leaders of these talks, which will be given at the CEIP Ses Planes (Sant Josep), CEIP Guillem de Montgrí and CEIP Can Bonet (Sant Antoni). "We especially analyze the case of La Vuelta a Ibiza MTB SCOTT by Shimano and its environmental impact. One of the outstanding concepts is the 'basulareza', or garbage in the environment, which consists of those wastes associated with this type of activity. In the case of La Vuelta, it has very important conditions for participants, which include sanctions for those who do not take care of their own waste," said Ramón.

Respect for the environment is crucial to these activities, something that is a great concern to the organization and why they have long worked hand in hand with Herbusa, who have been committed to the environment for more than 50 years offering environmental and waste management services in Ibiza. "For us, the collaboration with La Vuelta a Ibiza MTB means promoting sport in the best conditions for our environment. Our relationship with cleanliness and our commitment to the island of Ibiza are key to supporting this type of events," says Vicente Bufí Fernández, vice president of Herbusa. "We congratulate the organisers of the event and share their involvement in the enjoyment of sport in the best conditions and with minimal environmental impact, and our agreement with them shows this," he added.

The talks are fully interactive and the participation of young people is key for all envolved. In them you will learn about the care of refreshment points in sports events, the time it takes some waste to decompose... and many other aspects of which they are usually unaware and will serve them in the future to do sport in nature in a sustainable way. "Respect for the environment is crucial in these activities," said Juanjo Planells, head of the organization of La Vuelta a Ibiza SCOTT by Shimano.

Bartolo Planells - Siempre con nosotros, tu legado continúa...